Red Bull Ring National

29 Oct 19 18:47 UTC
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# Name Car Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions
1 Mazda MX5 Cup 00:15:41.325 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:00.295
Tyre: H
01:01.667 1
2 Mazda MX5 Cup 00:16:41.375 11 laps / 0 cuts 01:00.819
Tyre: H
01:01.846 0
3 Mazda MX5 Cup 00:16:01.573 9 laps / 0 cuts 00:59.992
Tyre: H
01:00.844 1
# Driver Other Driver Type Impact Speed (Km/h) Relative Position World Position Time Show on Map
1 Collision with car 68.7 X: -0.8 Y: 0.1 Z: 1.2 X: -278.4 Y: 8.2 Z: 93.0 00:00:00 (UTC)
2 Collision with car 73.1 X: 0.8 Y: 0.1 Z: 1.4 X: -278.3 Y: 8.2 Z: 93.0 00:00:00 (UTC)
Car Env Rel
Red Bull Ring National Red Bull Ring National collisions

There were no penalties in this session.

1st RİNG T. in Mazda MX5 Cup
Best: 01:00.295, Potential: 01:00.295
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Cuts Tyre
1 1 01:40.648 01:09.522 00:31.126 0 H
2 1 01:02.448 00:34.039 00:28.409 0 H
3 1 01:04.952 00:37.421 00:27.531 0 H
4 1 01:02.107 00:34.081 00:28.026 0 H
5 1 02:18.273 01:50.283 00:27.990 0 H
6 1 01:00.974 00:33.659 00:27.315 0 H
7 1 01:02.507 00:34.797 00:27.710 0 H
8 1 01:01.365 00:33.649 00:27.716 0 H
9 1 01:00.750 00:33.466 00:27.284 0 H
10 1 01:01.150 00:33.830 00:27.320 0 H
11 1 01:00.823 00:33.423 00:27.400 0 H
12 1 01:00.972 00:33.701 00:27.271 0 H
13 1 01:00.295
0 H
2nd FakeTaxı.TR in Mazda MX5 Cup
Best: 01:00.819, Potential: 01:00.687
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Cuts Tyre
1 3 01:32.908 01:03.186 00:29.722 0 H
2 3 01:04.004 00:35.236 00:28.768 0 H
3 2 01:02.679 00:34.544 00:28.135 0 H
4 2 01:01.416 00:33.875 00:27.541 0 H
5 2 01:01.564 00:33.902 00:27.662 0 H
6 2 01:01.053 00:33.422
00:27.631 0 H
7 2 01:01.825 00:33.952 00:27.873 0 H
8 2 01:00.819
00:33.476 00:27.343 0 H
9 2 01:02.000 00:34.267 00:27.733 0 H
10 2 01:01.454 00:34.189 00:27.265
0 H
11 2 01:01.652 00:33.982 00:27.670 0 H
3rd in Mazda MX5 Cup
Best: 00:59.992, Potential: 00:59.925
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Cuts Tyre
1 2 03:26.827 02:58.617 00:28.210 0 H
2 2 01:02.353 00:34.669 00:27.684 0 H
3 3 05:28.857 05:00.974 00:27.883 0 H
4 3 01:00.749 00:33.605 00:27.144 0 H
5 3 01:01.409 00:33.496 00:27.913 0 H
6 3 01:00.424 00:33.123 00:27.301 0 H
7 3 01:00.800 00:33.504 00:27.296 0 H
8 3 00:59.992
00:27.049 0 H
9 3 01:00.184 00:33.202 00:26.982
0 H